020 8204 1167
Name (*)
E-Mail Address (*)
Phone Number (*)
Please select your age range: (*) 16–1718–2122–2525+
How much time are you able to commit on a weekly basis? (*) --1-2 Hours2-3 Hours
What capacity would you like to assist the Al-Huda in? (*) --Teacher/Teaching Assist. of 4-8 year oldsTeacher/Teaching Assist. of 9-14 year oldsTeacher/Teaching Assist. of 15-16 year oldsCar Park Volunteer (Stanmore or Kenmore)Furniture Team (Stanmore)Educational DevelopmentOther
Which subject are you interested in teaching/assisting in? (*) --AkhlaqFiqhTareekhQur'anGCSE (Classes 12-13)Learning SupportOther
Do you have any previous Al-Huda / non-Al-Huda teaching experience (*) Yes No
If yes, please could you briefly outline your experience:
Please provide us with some information on how you intend to assist the Al-Huda and what experiences you can provide: